We were lucky enough to have met the very lovely and inspirational Laura at one of the The Bees Knees Networking group meet ups. She is one of those people that you automatically feel at ease with, bright, warm and loves everything pink! Laura is a coach, mentor, podcaster, keynote speaker and is now a published author after writing her book, ‘Dream It and Do It: Six Steps Into Your Own Dream Life & Business’. We are absolutely thrilled to be selling Laura’s book and to be hosting a book signing at Happydashery, where you can hear a bit more about Laura and her journey to her dream life and business.

Please can you tell us a little bit about you and your brand?
My name is Laura Cruise but I am known as The Dream Transition Mentor – helping my clients to make their own dreams come true is my passion
Please can you tell us about your inspiration for your business?
I had an epiphany back in 2019 that I needed to work for myself, and it then took me a year to transition from employed to self employed. I know how hard it can be to create the positive mindset which will allow you to take such a leap so I wanted to help other women to do it much more easily.
What is the ethos behind your brand?
My ethos is that every single one of us should have the four Fs in our lives: freedom, flow, fulfilment and fun. I firmly believe that if you dream it you can do it!

What is the most enjoyable thing about your business?
Being surrounded by amazing female entrepreneurs who are living their dream life. It’s wonderful.
What are your top tips for anyone wanting to start their own creative business?
Work on your mindset first. Yes you need to do all of the practical stuff but work on your mindset first and that will ensure you keep going when times get hard.
How do you get yourself out of any creative slumps?
I take a break! I have a bath, go for a walk, eat some cake, watch some reality telly. Basically I show myself some kindness.
How did you come up with the idea for writing your book?
I wanted to create a more accessible way for women to work with me, plus I wanted to help more people than my time will allow. My book explains how to work through my bespoke process, The Dream Transition Method, to get the reader started on their own mindset journey. I guess it’s like having Laura in your pocket!

What songs feature most on your playlist for when you are working?
I work in silence usually or I listen to a podcast. I don’t know why but I find music very distracting.
What is next for your business?
Helping more women to make progress through my mindset coaching programme and community, The Dream Life Academy.
I’m also going to work on the outline for book two!
Please add in any other comments that you would like to about you and your brand.
Do have a listen to my podcast to hear stories of inspirational female business owners – Your dream or mine with Laura Cruise.