So a little bit late to the party for Day 4 of #marchmeetthemaker but today we are turning our attention to the lovely @madebyshannon She makes the most beautiful, delicate, and sometimes naughty, environmentally friendly cards… we are talking seeded cards, cards made from algae from the Venice lagoons and even cards made from reindeer poo, she is always looking at innovative ways in which her card business can limit the impact on the environment! She also has made us a number of bespoke Leighton Buzzard cards which we LOVE!
Please can you tell us a little bit about you and your brand?
Made by Shannon is an eco-friendly greeting card business based in West Sussex. I am passionate about creating cards that are high quality, look beautiful and also tread gently on our planet. Our cards are made from coffee grounds, grapes and kiwi from post-consumer waste and algae from the Venice Lagoon. There are designs printed onto plantable card that will grow wildflowers and vegetables and I even offer plantable envelopes!
Please can you tell us about your inspiration for your business?
I actually fell into the greeting card industry. I had quit university, where I was studying fashion and I began to miss being creative. I decided to start selling a variety of handmade gifts and greeting cards on a market stall and really enjoyed designing cards! I developed my own style and found great joy in seeing people laughing at the humorous text. From there my business slowly grew and I am now stocked in over 300 retailers across the world.
What is the ethos behind your brand?
Creating mindfully made cards is really important to me. I want to relieve the consumer guilt people feel in buying a card that will end up in the bin. I offer cards that people can compost, recycle or plant!
Every element is considered from the card to using 100% recycled envelopes and cellophane bags made from corn starch.

What is the most enjoyable thing about your business?
I love working with small businesses and retailers. I enjoy catching up with them to discuss what their best sellers were from the season before and showing them the new collections. The feedback and best sellers can vary from location to location but I absolutely love it when a retailer has a story from a customer who has bought a selection of my cards.
What are your top tips for anyone wanting to start their own creative business?
Go for it! It will be difficult and you must grow confident in marketing yourself but it allows you the freedom to create a business in something you are passionate about.
How do you get yourself out of any creative slumps?
Taking a little break always helps, take some time away from the business and get out in nature.

What songs feature most on your playlist for when you are working?
I actually love listening to a podcast when I am working. I also own a business as a professional organiser @simpllivingco and so I am usually listening to a podcast on minimalism and simple living.
What do you like doing in your downtime away from your business?
Walking my dog allows me to get out in the fresh air and gives me a chance to breathe.
What is next for your business?
To continue to offer our products to the public and retailers across the world and become as eco-friendly as possible!

To have a look at the full range of Made By Shannon that we have in stock, check out this link.