Seeing as it is #marchmeetthemaker, we thought we would showcase one of our fabulous makers and suppliers every day for the whole month and would feature them on our Instagram and on our, long neglected, blog here on our website. Seeing as these fabulous human beings use the back of our shop as Buddy HQ, we thought we would start off with the lovely Lee and Wes from Buddy Fernandez Cards.

Please can you tell us a little bit about you and your brand?
We are The Buddy Fernandez Card Company, we make funny, rude, naughty but always honest greetings cards that make people laugh, blush, snort or get offended and pen letters of complaint.
Please can you tell us about your inspiration for your business?
Lee was a copywriter and hated selling stuff to people that they didn’t need. So lived his dream of escaping the world of marketing through the invented character of Buddy Fernandez, a man who walked out during a brain storming meeting about how to sell soup and instead decided to tell the truth via the medium of greetings cards.
What is the ethos behind your brand?
Be honest, because it’s normally funnier than anything you can make up. Hold up a mirror to the world and hopefully it will see how silly it is, and if it doesn’t then f*ck it, we’ll laugh at it instead.
What is the most enjoyable thing about your business?
That moment when people laugh so hard at a card that they do that snorty laugh thing that only happens when you lose control, love that.
What are your top tips for anyone wanting to start their own creative business?
Be ready to take a kicking, believe in what you do, listen to everyone, but then ignore the ones that just want you to do exactly the same as they did. If they were that good they’d be sunning themselves on an island named after them, whilst being served cocktails at 9am rather than telling you what you’re doing wrong.
How do you get yourself out of any creative slumps?
Hahahahah, you have to have a high to have a slump, so not a bloody clue. However I would say that if you need a good geeing up we normally go to the pub, have a good old drink and remembers that were creating something we’re proud of, but that isn’t changing the world so just enjoy it... then get shots.
What songs feature most on your playlist for when you are working?
We love all the greats, Michael Bolton, Phil Collins, the Kennys, Rogers and Loggins, I shit ye nay, “how can we be lovers if we can’t be friends” all hail Bolton.
What do you like doing in your downtime away from your business?
Anything that has nothing to do with cards, stupid cards. Mostly planning life after we become millionaires, what our boats will be called. Mine is ‘The Damp Patch’, Lee’s is, ‘Vaseline’s Revenge’.
What is next for your business?
We’re looking to go into clothing, mostly because we need some new sweatshirts and you get a better deal if you order loads so bring on a whole new wardrobe.
If you would like to see more of the Buddy Fernandez range at Happydashery then please do check out this