Please can you tell us a little bit about you and your brand?
I am a self-confessed craftaholic and love all things that involves hooks, needles and threads, as the name suggests. I started knitting at the age of 7. I was fascinated by my mum's knitting, the clack of the needles, the colours of the yarn and how the end product was so magically achieved. Before having my children, I worked in the travel industry and then in Human Resources. After children, I retrained and became a teacher – essentially to have the school holidays! However, it became a vocation. I have taught from age 5 to 75 years and in a variety of subjects. My love of teaching extended to after school classes where I first set up ‘Hooks, needles & threads’ teaching primary school children how to knit. I have always loved helping people to learn new things.

Please can you tell us about your inspiration for your business?
The after school knitting groups were really a bit of a hobby but after leaving the UK for Australia 5 years ago, I was asked by various people to teach them how to crochet, sew a cushion cover amongst other things, which then led me to thinking about teaching other crafts. After moving to Singapore I met a lady who ran a yarn shop who was very interested in advertising what else, other than knitting and crochets, threads and yarns could be used for, In collaboration with her and another craft shop, I started to run workshops in what we referred to as British heritage crafts. Given my success in teaching these, I felt inspired to continue upon my return to the UK. So what very much started as a hobby, has become much more in my bid to ensure that these craft skills are being learnt by the younger generation and won't die out.
What is the ethos behind your brand?
Mainly to share with others how to enjoy these crafts, destress and give them the initial skills to adapt to whatever they want to make. It is also to recycle and use sustainable materials to make both functional and decorative products.
What is the most enjoyable thing about your business?
Meeting new people, sharing their joy at mastering something new and being creative.

Out of all the amazing crafts that you are an expert in, which one is the most enjoyable to you and why?
This is a very difficult question! I think possibly rag rugging as I love rescuing and cutting up unwanted textiles, sorting them into colours and creating something new and functional with them rather than them being thrown away.
What are your top tips for anyone wanting to start their own creative business?
You probably have lots of ideas whizzing around in your head. Choose a couple to start off with and decide what you would do with those ideas. Write things down - I find this essential in sorting out my ideas and crazy thoughts.
How do you get yourself out of any creative slumps?
I love crochet, so I will choose a yarn from my stash and crochet something simple and repetitive. It is very mindful and often leads to a creative thought.
What songs feature most on your playlist for when you are working?
If I need to concentrate then I listen to Chakra meditation music as background music which I can't sing along to and so won't be distracted. Otherwise, Abba, 80s music or soft rock and pop.

What do you like doing in your downtime away from your business?
I love to lose myself in a book or go for a walk along the canal.
What is next for your business?
Getting my Etsy shop going again and selling a few niche products.
Please add in any other comments that you would like to about you and your brand.
I'm really excited to have the opportunity to be able to spread my love for crafting amongst the local community.
If you would like to find out more about Suzanne and all the workshops she is offering then you can find out more and book tickets here.