Absolutely over the moon to be able to introduce you to the extremely lovely Mairi from @wovenbymairi We have been in talks with Mairi for the past few months to organise her running her unique weaving workshops at The.Work.Shop. Mairi is an extremely talented and creative woven textile artist whose use of colour and texture helps to create the most beautiful and sustainable hand woven products and accessories. Anyway, less from us waffling on and more from the lovely Mairi...
Please can you tell us a little bit about you and your brand?
I am a textile specialist and handweaver based in Leighton Buzzard. Originally getting into textiles at a young age, it was while studying for my degree in textile design where I found my love for weaving. After graduating, I went on to work as a freelance designer in womenswear followed by working as a Technical Instructor of Woven Textiles in universities and launching my own brand; Woven Mairi. Through Woven Mairi I have created my own handmade product line, exhibited my work at London Fashion Week, been featured in Elle Magazine and regularly host hand craft based workshops.

Please can you tell us about your inspiration for your business?
I wanted to make handcraft more accessible to the general person and inject an element of fun. I found that most people believed that they needed a vast technical knowledge and a high level of sophistication to be a maker but I disagreed.
What is the ethos behind your brand?
The Ethos of my brand is 'Joy in Making'. This essentially means that it doesn't matter if you've made mishaps or haven't followed the instructions to the tee, there is still the process of making to enjoy.
What is the most enjoyable thing about your business?
I love working and interacting with people. Talking all things weave with the experienced pros but also seeing that spark ignite when someone tries a craft for the first time and realising that they just absolutely love it!
What are your top tips for anyone wanting to start their own creative business?
Try as hard as you can to keep your passion and excitement. Because you care so much it's very easy for that passion to turn into stress and worry but remember that it doesn't have to! Reach out to your network, ask for advice, come back to it with fresh eyes and you'll find the excitement in it again.

How do you get yourself out of any creative slumps?
I just take a breather and allow myself to step back. I try to remember that being creative is ingrained within me, it's something that I am, not something I work at or force. If the creativity isn't happening now, I have confidence it will come back again. I give myself time to work on other aspects of my job or life and usually the spark returns pretty quickly.

What songs feature most on your playlist for when you are working?
I have a truly terrible taste in music, I more often than not have an audio book on the go instead.
What do you like doing in your downtime away from your business?
When I'm not working I love to wild swim and walk outdoors, it reinvigorates the soul. I equally like hanging out with my cat and watching a rubbish movie, it's a real mix.
What is next for your business?
I am hoping I will get to continue hosting workshops and meeting other lovely creative people. I see my business transitioning away from premade products and more towards teaching people how to make their own woven products. Maybe even a weaving school one day...