Even though we have always held sewing and craft workshops, believe it or not, the Haberdashery side of things to Happydashery was never actually in the business plans when we first started... in actual fact the very first day we opened we were told off by a bystander who watched us open our doors that we would never compete with Fabric World, the most amazing of actual Haberdasheries down the High Street from us!

No, Happydashery was meant to just be a gift shop... but a gift shop like a Haberdashery where, instead of being able to buy all the materials needed to make something, you could instead pick and choose all the little bits of happy to make the perfect present... now here we are, a whole 5 and a half years later, unfortunately Fabric World is no longer our High Street neighbour, and in an odd and slightly ironic twist of fate, we do actually now have the actual haberdashery and craft shop in The.Work.Shop next door to our original shop!

Now even though a haberdashery was not in the business plan, the craft and sewing workshops always were right from the very beginning of our business journey. We always knew we wanted to host workshops and so that is what we did... we have always hosted workshops with the wonderful Too Cute Crafting but we also had the super talented Sarah Louise Hardwick start up our sewing workshops and groups for children and for adults too way back in February 2020. You don't need us to tell you why these stopped for a little while, actually quite a long while, as the world as we knew it also stopped for a while.

Fast forward a few years and here we now are with our creative workshops all being held in The.Work.Shop, next door to Happydashery, and our sewing workshops now being taught by such amazing and talented creatives like Tash Spokes (Studio Spokes), Holly Walker (The Botanical Haberdashery) and now we also have Charlotte Trudgett joining us (Charlotte The Seamstress).

We still have all the old favourites that we have always had, like 'Getting to Know Your Sewing Machine', but we now also have English Paper Piecing Patchwork, Flower Star Patchwork, Upcycled Scrunchie & Hair Bows, Upcycled Tote Bags, and we are bringing back our Sewing groups for adults and children.

Our sewing groups are being hosted by Charlotte and are held on Monday, 4-5.30pm for the Juniors and then Tuesday, 7-9.30pm for adults. Come along with your own work in progress or a project you would like to start and get making! Charlotte will be on hand for any support, advice or help that you need and will have her stash and patterns available for anyone that needs a little inspiration. If you don't have a sewing machine, we do have some available here for you to use, just let us know that you would like to borrow one so that we can make sure we have enough available.

If you are like us and have no time or space to get your sewing machine out at home, come along and use our space and get social with the Sew & Stitch Collective at the same time. The workbench at The.Work.Shop is perfect for cutting patterns and the back room is ideal for setting up your sewing machines in. We love hosting our creative sewing workshops with this super talented bunch of creatives and cannot wait to get back into hosting our sewing groups again! Hope to see you there soon!